BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
This scheduled export task runs GCFExportLauncher.exe to run copies of GCFExportProc.exe to create and transfer briefcases to each remote collaborating vault. The task only processes those transfers that are initiated directly by users, such as: enlisting a vault, transferring or claiming ownership, and requesting immediate distribution.
This task should be scheduled to run frequently to process these transfers. We recommend a schedule interval between 10 minutes and 1 hour. The overhead for running the task when no work needs to be done is small. The Meridian Enterprise export processor only needs to check a few records in a Meridian Enterprise table.
The task command line should have one argument, which is the name of the configuration file. If the configuration file is located in the same folder as GCFExportLauncher.exe, the path can be omitted.
Following is an example of an immediate export task command line:
"C:\GCF\Meridian\Processors\GCFExportLauncher.exe" GCFProc.ini
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